Linkrunner Suit, workwear of the rogue cyberpunk

“Three days straight you’ve been plugged into the grid, not even catching a glimpse of sunlight. You’re jumping from one link to another, losing track of where you are in the data streams. The netrunner bodysuit feels like a second skin, almost burnt into your flesh by the overheating processes. The stench permeates the room; even your houseplants might wither away if it weren’t for the server fans stirring the air a bit… “

Linkrunner Suit – See details in release post at Flickr

Welcome to Linkrave!

Linkrave is a content label running inside the virtual world of Second Life.

Offering unique items with a mixed style of technopunk, cyberpunk, science-fiction, hi-tech,
urban and industrial look.

Linkrave is enthusiast about producing high fidelity assets with distinctive design to present a visually rich experience
in Second Life.

Take a look at the catalogue hosted on Flickr to browse the collection.

Linkrave can be found In-World, on SL’s Marketplace and at shopping events

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